Systain3r Summit • June 20-23, 2024 • CryptoCastle Germany
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We empower women & non-binary people to create sustainable futures with AI, Web3 and Systems Thinking

Envision the profound transformation ignited when the brightest minds in AI, Web3, and sustainability converge systematically, shaping substantial and revolutionary futures. We move beyond discourse, actively building the extraordinary.

Our vision

The SystAIn3r community sees itself as the catalytic force propelling the transformative potential of AI, Web3, and systems thinking. We strive to unite talents and inspire innovation, bridding the technological divide and shaping the world into a more efficient, equitable, and sustainable future.  

AI and Web3 technologies represent the cutting edge of digital innovation, holding transformative potential for nearly every aspect of society. AI has the power to automate, optimize, and revolutionize processes across industries, from healthcare to logistics, education, and beyond. Web3, with its decentralized nature, provides opportunities for secure, transparent, and equitable digital interactions and transactions.

Systems thinking, on the other hand, allows for a holistic view of problems and solutions, encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration and the breaking down of silos. It helps to understand the complexities and interconnectedness of our world, fostering solutions that are sustainable and balanced.

We meticulously select our fellows, curating an exceptional ensemble of experienced, diverse, and influential talents. Prioritizing community, we foster connections early, setting the stage for a thriving, innovation-centric network. With an emphasis on cross-disciplinary collaboration, we dismantle silos, unlocking potential for trailblazing ideas.


Our team has a proven track record in Impact entrepreneurship, Web3, Ed-Tech & building impact and tech companies

Yip ThyDiep Ta

Serial entrepreneur – Web3 education
Founder of award winning education programs Unit Masters, Web3 education program Web3 (DLT) Talents, governor of H.E.R. DAO

• World Economic Forum Contributor for Crypto Sustainability
• Hackathon winner (EthDenver, impact track), multiple times hackathon judge
• Participant in AIFounders accelerator program
• Advisor at Antler VC

Kevin Varend

Founder and COO, J3D.AI
As the founder of J3D.AI, I scale AI-enabled market intelligence software and AI agents for expert networks and organizations. We focus on our AI suite and metrics to increase decision-making.

• In AI, building the future of collaborative AI with market intelligence, with DAX companies and corporations.
• Built a BrightLands awarded neuroscience x business company.
• Trained about executive functioning in business and academia.
• Researched cognitive performance of leaders academically.

Sabrina Goerlich

Entrepreneur – Fractional CPO in the Web3 Community
I believe in the power of collaboration and design – Founder of, innovation tech lab, Design Sprint Online education program, the Talent Sprint, the BE Visionary program (IDB, WIPO) and a Venture Builder CPO.

• LUMA Design Thinking Instructor
• Leader of Alumni DLT Talents (FSBC)
• Google Design Sprint Chapter Lead
• Member We don't need Roads, Alumni design MBA, Strategyzer invincible company, ReFi, DLT, NFT and Bitcoin Talents.

Shanda Nelson

Product Design Lead, Studio Joonly
With over 15 years of experience in mobile, web, and software design, I have worked with various software companies in the U.S. and Europe to create solutions and deliver value to both users and businesses.

• Engagement, discovery, conversion solutions across the product life cycle
• Design management and operations
• Social media marketing and content creation

Barbara Nowara

Digital Marketing – UX/UI & Content – DLT Mentor – Blockchain Enthusiast
An ambitious and dedicated digital marketer with a knack for localization management and scrum methodology.

• Web3 visionary
• AI enthusiast
• Blockchain advocate
• SystAIn3r contributor
• DLT Talents mentor & alumna

Duy Nguyen

Digital Marketing Specialist – Experienced Geospatial Product Management Executive
Content strategy consultant with a demonstrated history of experience in the consulting services industry. Skilled in SAP, CRM, eCommerce & 3D security.

• 2000 connections on LinkedIn
• 2 years supporting the SystAIn3r community
• Contributed to 20 groups in Web3 and AI

Petra Engelking

Co-Founder, Together.Partners
My belief in storytelling's power guides my approach, crafting inspiring narratives for both startups and established firms, making me a pivotal figure in the evolving digital landscape.

I have established strong connections with influential figures and organizations within industries, including blockchain, NFT projects, and sustainability advocates.

• Successfully led PR campaigns for blockchain startups, simplifying complex concepts for broader audiences.
• Authored articles & interviews on Green Fashion, AI, blockchain and NFTs, highlighting their potential and practical applications.
• Conducted workshops and delivered speeches on Web3, blockchain, and NFTs, educating diverse audiences on these emerging technologies.
• Speaker at several Web3 and blockchain events
• Active participant in industry panels discussing the future of Web3 and its impact on various sectors.

Sponsor us and Partner with us

We create strong connections
& hands-on learning experience

Diverse & Influential

We hand-pick fellows to ensure that we have an outstanding mix of experienced, diverse and influential women

Vibrant hackathons

We put extra care in facilitating connections well before the hackathon to create a vibrant community and a breeding ground for cutting-edge innovations

Connecting Silos

Strong focus on cross-discipline connections to open up silos & create potential for avant-garde ideas
Do you see potential alignment with your and our visions & want to partner with us? Do you want to sponsor single events or our community? Reach out to us!
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Step into the world's most vibrant AI, Web3 and Sustainability community for women and join us today.

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