May 31, 2024

How Web3 & Regenerative Economies Can Reshape Our Future

Envision a world in which communities are empowered, local currencies flourish, and technology acts as a catalyst for positive change. This is not some far-off fantasy; it is a vision that thought leaders in Web3 technologies and regenerative economies share.

In this blog post, we examine the perspectives from a recent panel discussion with a variety of viewpoints on how tokenization, blockchain, and cooperative efforts might promote equitable and sustainable economic models. 

Come along as we explore useful applications, real-life scenarios, and the human components necessary to build a world that genuinely benefits everyone.

Understanding Regenerative Economies

What is a regenerative economy? Unlike sustainability, which aims to maintain the status quo, a regenerative economy seeks to improve and rejuvenate both the environment and society. As our panel moderator Sabrina Goerlich, CPO at SystAIn3r, explained, "If we sustain a system, it stays the same. What we need to achieve is regeneration. We need to make it better."

The Vision of a World That Works for Everyone

Like in the great openings of climate activist Marc Buckley, we asked the panel, "What does a world that works for everyone look like?" as our opening question. Xavier, a software engineer and businessman, expressed his opinion that we should go past a single currency system. "A future that works for everyone is a future where we move beyond the monoculture of a single currency to measure contribution to the world," he stated. He argued in favor of a permaculture of many currencies that optimize for various values, increasing the likelihood that each person's contributions will be valued and acknowledged. Planetir's Daphne talked on how technology can be used to make global action more accessible to everyone. "What if we would use technology to make taking planetary action universally accessible?" she inquired. Her technology creates regenerative coins to fund these projects and links talent with impact enterprises.

The Role of Technology and Funding in Shifting Paradigms

The panelists concurred that new forms of value generation and distribution might be made possible by blockchain and tokenization. Local currencies and community-owned platforms serve as effective means of encouraging better social and environmental outcomes.

Yip talked about her own experience with tokenization and blockchain. "I adore blockchain technology. I've spent the last few years working in the blockchain industry. She remarked, "I'm also operating a startup in AI. She said she was curious to see how these technologies could spur environmental and rejuvenation movements. "How can we use these technologies to catalyze these movements and make available these amazing technologies for more people to use on this earth?" questioned the founder of SystAIn3r.

Yajaira underlined how technology may revolutionize the development of regenerative economies. "Technology, especially blockchain and tokenization, can democratize access to resources and opportunities," she stated. Yaheira emphasized the significance of ensuring that everyone, not just tech-savvy people, has access to these technologies. "We need to ensure that these tools are user-friendly and inclusive, so they can be adopted by communities worldwide."

Nevertheless, the panelists also mentioned the difficulties. To make these technologies accessible to the general public, more knowledge, education, and accessibility are required. "We need a lot of money to actually make this transformation happen," Oliver noted, highlighting the necessity of investment from the public and private sectors. He emphasized how much money is needed to create a regenerative economy. "To reach such objectives, almost $275 trillion will be needed over the following 30 years," he clarified. The magnitude of the problem is highlighted by the fact that this amount is roughly three times the global GDP from 2021. "It's something like 8% or so per year that we need in capital, that we need to redirect in that space," he stated. Oliver made the point that in order to reach these goals, the private sector must contribute around $8 trillion yearly, whereas governments only have authority over about $1 trillion annually.

Practical Applications and Case Studies

A number of the panelists gave instances of how regenerative economies are now being tested out in local areas. Planetir, Daphne's platform, seeks to create a regenerative token and link talent with impact projects. "We are building a user-owned ecosystem platform that tries to solve some of the topics you tackled or touched upon just now," she said. By distributing money to people who need it most, this platform hopes to encourage cooperation between nonprofits and for-profits. 

Xavier mentioned “The B-Scope” grocery store in Brussels accepts the Shift as local money. "To go there, you need to have their local currency called the Shift, which you earn by doing 3 hours of work at the store every month," said Xavier. This paradigm appreciates contributions above and beyond money transactions and promotes community involvement. Oliver talked about his work on climate-positive concrete and green bonds for solar investments. "We did a 25 million green bond to invest in solar," he stated. These initiatives open up options for sustainable investments to a wider range of people, including those who might not normally have access to them.

Inclusive design and empathy

Diana talked about her experience using community-owned networks, which prioritize diversity and empathy. "When people feel that their voices are heard and their contributions are valued, they are more likely to engage and invest in the community," she stated. Regenerative economic models may succeed because of this sense of community and respect for one another.

The panelists stressed that moving toward a regenerative economy is a journey that cannot be made alone. It calls for coordinated work across several industries and academic fields. "We need to collaborate, to cross-pollinate, and to listen to each other across all kinds of different industries and technologies," the moderator stated. Every panelist expressed agreement with this statement, stressing the importance of dismantling organizational divisions and promoting a collaborative culture across sectors and disciplines. 

Michael stressed the significance of empathy in financial instrument design. "Traditional financial models frequently put profit ahead of people. "We must reconsider the definition of profit and view social and environmental impact as essential elements of value," the speaker contended. A more just and sustainable economic system may result from this change in viewpoint. 

In summary

The panel discussion focused on how technology may help create a world that benefits everyone and the possibilities of regenerative economies. A variety of creative concepts and useful applications were offered by the panelists, ranging from local currencies to investments enabled by blockchain technology. The human component of cooperation, empathy, and inclusive design is vital even though technology can have a good social and environmental impact. As we transition to a regenerative economy, let us not forget that it is not only about the instruments at our disposal, but also about how we apply them to create a better society.

Call to Action – Join us for the SystAIn3r Retreat

Is the idea of a regenerative economy that values cooperation, empathy, and inclusivity appealing to you? Would you like to join a movement that expands the definition of profit to encompass social and environmental impact? Accompany us on this life-changing adventure! We cordially invite you to join us for the 3-day retreat, which will take place in the CryptoCastle in Germany on June 20–23, 2024. This retreat offers a special chance to learn from professionals in a range of academic and industry domains, collaborate on multidisciplinary initiatives, and delve further into the ideas of regenerative economies. You will have the opportunity to participate in thought-provoking conversations, practical seminars, and team-building exercises intended to dismantle organizational divisions and promote an inclusive and empathetic culture.

Further Reading and Resources

The panelists recommended several books and articles for those interested in learning more, including "Future of Money" by Bernard Lietaer, and "Sacred Economics" by Charles Eisenstein.’

About Panelists and their Projects: